Italian cuisine is the most loved and sought after in the world. This is nothing new, but when you register the large participation of a country that seems very far from the Italian food and culinary traditions, then you understand that initiatives like the one started by Paolo Brescia were almost necessary. This is how the Euroest project was born in 2018, which made it possible to refine a path already started with the teaching of Italian cuisine in Ukrainian classes through an important step with the internship in Italy. And so, from two universities involved, to date we have reached thirty who are participating, also studying Italian, in a project carried out by the UCM (Union of Mediterranean Chefs) Italy. After the first year of activity with 36 students engaged in an internship in Italy, in 2022 the number was multiplied with more that 700 students who reach Italy during the year to complete their preparation path in the catering industry, learning to manage more than one sector of pizzerias, bars and hotels, passing from waiter to bartender or even cook.


Both the Italian lessons and the masterclasses are followed by the tutors of the association, including the Ukrainian tutors who started their path just as trainees and later growing not only on the training level in multiple sectors that they’ve studied and not only on the linguistic level, but above all at a managerial level by acquiring experience for the future. “Doing an internship offers the opportunity to shape and improve your professional skills, because books, you know, do not teach them. Practical experience allows you to enter the merits of the activity you want to carry out to refine your skills in each specific sector”, underlined Paolo Brescia, president of UCM Italy.



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